I finished Light's End a couple of weeks ago, and wanted to say that I really love this game.
It was a nice take on the traditional jRPGs that I wasted many an hour at university in my dorm room playing on Genesis, SNES and Saturn, just without the tedium of grinding or boredom of menu driven battles.
Of course back in the day, I used to live for grinding and menu driven battles, but in my old age it would seem, I cannot stand either any longer. And this is one of the reasons that Light's End works so well. You guys took the best parts of the classic jRPG, story and puzzle solving, and made the central game play mechanic based solely around that. As a result, the player spends more time getting story, which is why we all play RPGs in the first place, and less time fiddling around with menus trying to get to the next story driven cinema sequence.
Having finally bored of jRPGs shortly after the death of Dreamcast back in 2002, and moved on to the more action oriented immediacy of wRPGs like Fallout, Jade Empire, Mass Effect, and Fable in large part, because of their immediacy, I was fairly impressed to find anything remotely like a traditional jRPG that I actually liked - and this gen, I have tried playing every major jRPG released (Blue Dragon, Eternal Sonata, Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey, Star Ocean, The Last Remnanat, Tales of Vesperia, Valkyria Chronicles, etc.), and still could not get into any of them - and I really wanted to get back into jRPGs.
Light's End probably has the single best innovation to the format in over 20 years, yet has enough of the feel of classic jRPGs from the Golden Age of the genre, to give this old man nostalgia for his youth. It is a winning combination, and the only thing that I can hope for, is that you guys keep doing it - just bigger, better and more bad ass next time (if it's in the budget).
I seriously hope somewhere in your schedule, there is a Light's End sequel or spiritual sequel in the works. In the meantime, I will savor the gem you have already created, and continue to convince as many of my friends as possible to give Light's End a chance. I am not the only old fogey out here who thinks that modern jRPGs grew stale a long time ago. I hear it all the time. So long as titles like Light's End keep popping, even if it is only in indie game circles, there is hope that the Japanese-styled RPG can evolve and become something modern, while retaining the sensibilities that made them enjoyable in the first place.
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for Light's End, and the best of luck on your next project.